It’s Time For Your hiring
Team To Join PRO

Hire 2X faster

We make interviews happen FAST. Never have to regret losing a top candidate ever again.

Interview Prep & Execution
In A Few Steps

Leave tedious, mentally draining interview prep behind. How about finally taking a proper lunch break in these 2 hours a day that you earn back?

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
(DEI) - Focused

Implementing DEI- strategy but mostly on paper? No problem! Our solution will ensure diverse representation in your interview teams and in reports that will make your boss proud.

Improved Candidate Experience

No more guilty feeling about forgetting to update applicants in the pool. We’ll ensure they won’t unfriend you and will want to apply again.

Secure & Confidential

You have complete control of giving/taking away access to the organizational account. We verify approved users for you.

Advanced Features to Make It Simple For You

Interview Builder

Instant Candidates’ Scheduling

Questions’ Library

Confidential Notes’ Taking & Scoring

Candidates’ Performance At A Glance

Interview Feedback

Communication Templates

One Step To Becoming A Pro

Join industry trailblazers to test all our software features for free. Take advantage of the 50% discount for any plan upgrades 3 months after the free plan expiry date and enjoy the VIP status (prioritized support 24/7) for the first year. All we ask in return is your feedback.

*The offer is valid for a limited time defined by the product owner

This Is What Hiring Leaders and Candidates
Are Saying About Us

*The review is received during the 1st testing round

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